Seth E. Jenny, Ph.D., ACSM-EP, CHES, USATF-L2
Dr. Jenny is an Associate Professor within the Department of Exercise Science at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania (SRU). He has been teaching full time in higher education since 2010 and previously taught within the Department of Health, Exercise & Sports Sciences at the University of New Mexico and the Department of Physical Education, Sport & Human Performance at Winthrop University. He has also worked as a U.S. Air Force Exercise Physiologist and K-12 Health and Physical Education teacher.
Dr. Jenny is a founding member and current Board Member of the Esports Research Network, serves as the deputy editor of the International Journal of Esports and Associate Editor of the Journal of Electronic Gaming & Esports, and is faculty advisor to the SRU Esports Club. Dr. Jenny won the 2022 SRU “Outstanding Student Organization Advisor of the Year” Award, while the SRU Esports Club won the 2021 SRU “Student Organization of the Year” Award, the 2022 SRU “Club Sport of the Year” Award, and the 2023 SRU “Outstanding Student Organization Collaboration” Award. Dr. Jenny co-created the interdisciplinary Esports Minor at SRU and currently teaches esports courses.
Dr. Jenny is the Senior Editor of the 62-chapter Routledge Handbook of Esports and lead author of the Human Kinetics textbook: Technology for Physical Educators, Health Educators, and Coaches. As an active scholar and researcher, Dr. Jenny has provided 100+ professional presentations and published 50+ peer-reviewed journal articles in is prime areas of research: performance and health implications of esports, motion-based video gaming, instructional technology, and distance running. Dr. Jenny was a 2024 National Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE) “Scholar of the Year” Finalist and 2025 Scholastic Esports Awards “Research Excellence Award” Finalist.
In 2018 he co-created one of the world's first bachelor's degrees in Esports at Shenandoah University, has consulted for ELEAGUE (TBS’s former professional televised esports league), and is a performance advisor for KovaaK 2.0: The Meta – an FPS aim trainer performance software company. He continues to consult higher education institutions regarding esports curriculum and consistently delivers invited esports presentations at national and international professional conferences.
As an athlete, Dr. Jenny captained the SRU cross country (XC) and track and field (T&F) teams, was an Academic All-American steeplechaser, thru-hiked the entire 2,174 mile Appalachian Trail, and has run the Boston Marathon multiple times (marathon personal best of 2:48:30). Moreover, he co-founded and is the president of the non-profit Grove City Athletics Club (Grove City, PA), where he volunteer coaches elementary XC and T&F.
For speaking engagements or consulting, please contact:
Life Bio
Dr. Seth Jenny is the spouse of a U.S. military veteran and has worked as a fresh seafood clerk in Anchorage, Alaska, a recreation supervisor for court-appointed delinquent boys in Pennsylvania, a room attendant in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, a U.S. Air Force exercise physiologist at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, a substitute teacher in inner-city Philadelphia, a coach at all levels (elementary to U.S. Olympic Trials Qualifiers), a K-12 health & physical education teacher near St. Louis, Missouri, and student taught in Mexico City, Mexico. He has taught over 50 different courses in higher education and has led led short-term study abroad student trips to South Korea, Scotland, and the Dominican Republic. He has lived overseas in Ireland, Scotland, and Turkey, as well as lived in Alaska, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, South Carolina, and Wyoming in the U.S., and has visited all 50 U.S. states. His YouTube channel has over 4.4 million views.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): Physical Education, Sport & Exercise Science
Concentration: Curriculum and Instruction
Minor: Educational Psychology
Master of Science (MSc): Physical Education, Sport & Leisure Studies
Concentration: Performance Coaching
The University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Bachelor of Science (BS): Education
Concentration: Health & Physical Education (k-12 teaching certification)
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
Study Abroad
University of Limerick, Ireland
Certified Exercise Physiologist, American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM-EP)
Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES)
Health and Physical Education Pennsylvania State Teaching Certification (K-12)
National Institutes of Health (NIH) “Protecting Human Research Participants” Certification
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Training: Social and Behavioral Research Investigators Certificate
American Red Cross Adult/Child/Infant CPR/AED/First Aid Certification
USA Track and Field Coaching Certification (USATF Level 2 - Youth Specialization)
BOD POD Registered Administrator Certification, Life Measurement Inc.
Lodestone Safety International: “Navigating Health, Safety and Security Abroad” Certification (leading study abroad courses)
“Applying the Quality Matters Rubric” to Online Course Development Certification
Distance Education [Teaching] Certification Program (DECP) at Slippery Rock University
Esports Trainer: EsportsFit Course
Microsoft - Gaming Accessibility Fundamentals
Courses Taught
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
ERS 139: University Seminar - Game On: This is Esports ^
EXSC 204: Introduction to Esports ~
EXSC 304: Current Issues in Esports Health & Society ~
EXSC 450: Exercise Science Internship
HLTH 101: Personal Health (co-taught)
HLTH 103: Health & Behavior Change*
HLTH 301: Introduction to Health Education*
HLTH 316: Human Sexuality*
HLTH 406: Program Planning & Evaluation*
HLTH 607: Designing & Conducting Health Surveys ~
HLTH 616: Health & Wellness Coaching ~
HLTH 618: Program Evaluation ~
University of Alaska-Fairbanks
SPRT 280: Sport Leadership*
California Baptist University
BEH 250: Reading and Writing in the Behavioral Sciences*
KIN 332: Lifelong Motor Development*
Winthrop University
PESH 115: Beginning Running ^
PESH 160: Global Games ^
PESH 175: Get Active in Scotland: Hiking, Biking & Kayaking the West Highland Way ^
PESH 242: Motor Learning and Control ~
PESH 381: Research Methods in Physical Activity and Sport Management ~
PESH 450H: Honors: Selected Topics in Physical Education, Sport and Human Performance
PETE 234: Teaching Invasion Games
PETE 247: Teaching Target and Striking/Fielding Games
PETE 271: Technology in Physical Education ~
PETE 550: Adapted Physical Activity and Sport
PETE 566: Elementary Methods for Teaching P-5 Physical Education (Junior Field Experience)
PHED 604: Technology for Coaches & Physical Educators ~
PHED 612: Movement Concepts and Skill Themes
SPFA 615: Computer Applications in Sport and Fitness Administration
SPFA 650: Special Topics - Sport & Culture in South Korea ^
SPFA 650: Get Active in Scotland: Hiking, Biking & Kayaking the West Highland Way ^
SPFA 681: Research in Sport and Fitness Administration ~
SPFA 691: Research Project in Sport and Fitness Administration (Chair)
SPFA 694: Practicum in Sport and Fitness Administration (Internship Supervision)
SPFA 695/696: Thesis (Chair)
EDUC 395/595: Culturally Diverse Teaching Experiences in the Dominican Republic ^
EDUC 402: Internship II Supervision
EDUC 495: Independent Study
HONR 450H: Honors Thesis Research
University of New Mexico
PENP 105: Water Polo
PENP 112: Introduction to Triathlon Training
PENP 114: Weight Training and Physical Conditioning
PENP 115: Intermediate Weight Training
PENP 154: Intermediate Racquetball
PENP 161: Fitness Jogging
PENP 168: Competition Basketball
PENP 178: Stretching and Relaxation Techniques
PENP 188: Modified Physical Education
PEP 208: Teaching Fitness Concepts
PEP 234: Track and Field
PEP 234: Cooperative Games
PEP 228: Outdoor Pursuits
PEP 288: Motor Learning and Performance
PEP 400: Student Teaching in the Elementary School (co-taught)
PEP 410: Assessment in Physical Education (co-taught)
PEP 461: Student Teaching in the Secondary School (co-taught)
PEP 585: Diversity in Sport and Physical Activity
U.S. Air Force
American Heart Association AED/CPR
Exercise and Pregnancy
Fitness Assessment Monitor (Cycle Ergometry)
Fitness Improvement Program
Healthy Living Program
Modified Physical Activity
Physical Training Leader
Unit Fitness Program Manager
* = online; ~ = created new online course; ^ = created new course
Study Abroad Courses Created & Led
PESH 175: Get Active in Scotland: Hiking, Biking & Kayaking the West Highland Way ^
EDUC 395/595: Culturally Diverse Teaching Experiences in the Dominican Republic ^
SPFA 650: Special Topics - Sport & Culture in South Korea ^
SPFA 650: Get Active in Scotland: Hiking, Biking & Kayaking the West Highland Way ^